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Hide navbar on scroll

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Janis Akmentins


This is a quick tutorial on how to hide the navbar when scrolling down, and make it reappear when scrolling back up.

This effect is used here in this blog site, so you can see it in action.

To achieve it, we will be using Framer Motion package, so go ahead and install it.


npm install framer-motion


Next, import it in your Navbar component. We will also use useScroll and useMotionValueEvent hooks.


import { motion, useScroll, useMotionValueEvent } from "framer-motion";


We need to update the nav property to use motion. We also set variants that are using normal CSS classes, animate, and transition. Animate is a boolean that will use the variant based on the value of navHidden variable. I gave the navbar some simple Tailwind CSS styling, but feel free to style it as you please.


          visible: { y: 0 },
          hidden: { y: "-100%" },
        animate={navHidden ? "hidden" : "visible"}
        transition={{ duration: 0.4, ease: "easeInOut" }}
        className="fixed w-full bg-slate-300 p-10 flex justify-between items-center z-50"
       {/* Your nav links go here */}


Add this:


const { scrollY } = useScroll();
  const [navHidden, setNavHidden] = useState(false);
  useMotionValueEvent(scrollY, "change", (latest) => {
    const previous = scrollY.getPrevious();
    if (previous != undefined && latest > previous && latest > 100) {
    } else {


And you're done.




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    Wow, thanks, that works great!